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CoPro 2022 Events and Workshops

We are pleased to share outputs from CoPro22, a multi-event symposium that offered both in-person and virtual opportunities for people interested in co-design. We provided a series of engagement opportunities from May to October 2022.



Foundations and Frameworks for Equity-Based Co-Design

May 20th, 2022

This panel set the stage for our CoPro2022 series of events. Participants learned about conceptual foundations and frameworks for equity-based co-production from international researchers and experience experts.

Co-Design Inner Work 

June 1st, 2022

Trainees, community members, designers and researchers were invited to participate in this workshop focusing on the role of personal and collective “inner work” in co-design. Participants reflected on their own lived experience in cultivating a ‘heartset’ and ‘mindset’ for co-design work, first cultivating capacity for meeting others on a ground that allows for deep respect, care, listening, creative emergence, speaking truthfully, and even the sacred. Practices of mindfulness, dialogue and reflection were shared as a means for tuning into self and others and holding the complications, possibilities and mysteries that arise in co-design.

Design Thinking and Inclusive Design 

June 8th, 2022

This is the second in the series of online events as part of our CoPro2022 online symposium events. Participants learned principles of design thinking and application of inclusive design for equity-deserving groups. We also reflected on the key insights and values of the Recovery Co-Lab Model from Italy in its efforts to advance coproduction within complex adaptive systems.

Experience-based co-design (EBCD) is a systematic, collaborative approach
that engages service users and providers in a process of co-creating positive change in health and/or social services. This interactive workshop was designed for teams to gain hands-on experience in applying the principles and practices of co-design within their own work. This included applying EBCD
strategies to identify key touchpoints or issues in their experience, to create
‘experience maps’ of the key priorities, and then to build prototype solutions.
Participants reviewed how to make these techniques more inclusive of
equity-deserving groups.

This event was the third online event in our CoPro2022 series. We discussed the challenges of sharing power, building relationships and fostering trust in co-design and coproduction activities. Participants learned how different relational power dimensions interact in health and welfare service design. A COMPASS to assist in navigating relational dimensions of co-design was presented.

This was the final instalment of #CoPro2022, where we discussed
evaluation in equity-based co-design
and co-production, including realist and
developmental evaluation. Our panelists brought research and lived experience perspectives to this discussion about evaluating and mobilizing outcomes and impact.